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Nighttime Teeth Grinding in Children

A pediatric dentist and a child in a dentist's chair.

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, is a common habit in both children and adults. Since teeth grinding and jaw clenching often occur during sleep, you may not be aware of your child’s nightly habit right away. However, just like adults, bruxism needs to be addressed in children. Pediatric dentistry encompasses all facets of a child’s oral health, including… Continue reading

Pregnant? Don’t Skip Your Dental Appointments

A relaxed woman during a dental appointment.

If you are an expectant mother, you likely have a calendar full of doctor appointments and checkups to attend. However, in your quest to monitor your baby and your body during these nine months, don’t forget your teeth and gums. In fact, your oral health is a critical component of your pregnancy. Not only do… Continue reading

Why Smoking and Dental Implants Don’t Mix

A woman smiles while holding a dental model.

You are probably aware of how smoking cigarettes can harm your health. However, smoking has consequences that go beyond your lungs. When it comes to your mouth, bad breath isn’t nicotine’s only threat. In fact, if you need to replace missing teeth, your smoking habit can sabotage your chances of receiving dental implants. Dental implants… Continue reading

Ditch These Habits for a Healthier Smile

A young african american woman sitting on a couch holding a coffee mug.

People have good habits and bad habits. For a healthy body, its’ important that the good habits outweigh the bad. When it comes to your dental health, you may not realize that some of your habits are causing harm. Here are some common oral habits that can be destructive to your smile: Ice Chomping/ Nail… Continue reading

Watch Your Tongue!

dental check-up

When considering your oral hygiene routine, most people think about their teeth.  While you certainly should be focusing on keeping your teeth cleaned and monitoring changes in your dental health, you should also pay attention to your tongue. Your tongue, just like your fingerprint, is a one-of-a-kind feature, and it can hold powerful information about your… Continue reading

Is Your Jaw Pain Caused by TMJ Disorder?

A woman with dental pain sitting in a dentist's chair.

  When it comes to speaking and eating, your teeth get all the recognition. However, your jaw joint (or TMJ) plays a vital role in these oral functions too. Your TMJ is a special joint that connects your jaw to your skull. It allows you to open and close your mouth, which means you need… Continue reading

Do You Need an Emergency Dentist?

A woman with a toothache in a dentist's office.

Just like other parts of your body, problems and discomfort can arise within your mouth. Dental concerns can involve a broad range of symptoms and scenarios, but it is important that you can recognize when your dental problem is a dental emergency. Emergency dental care is always available at Dental Care Acworth. In fact, we… Continue reading

Ways to Boost Your Oral Health at Home

A man is brushing his teeth with a toothbrush.

For many of us, routine has gone out the window. As many families across the nation choose to ‘shelter in place’ and stay at home during the Coronavirus pandemic, it brings a new normal to schedules and daily routines. As an advocate for your dental health, however, we urge patients to not let oral care… Continue reading

COVID-19 March 30th Update

A group of coronaviruses on a green background.

We hope this message finds you in good health. As the world adapts to these unusual circumstances from COVID-19, we just wanted to keep you updated. We are continuing to closely follow healthcare guidelines to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff. We want to reiterate that our commitment is to you,… Continue reading

Reasons Adults Choose Orthodontics

A person's hand holding a set of clear braces.

With so many options in short-term and clear orthodontics, more and more adults are choosing to straighten their smile. While it may seem like a strict cosmetic decision to straighten your teeth later in life, adult orthodontics offers several benefits towards your oral health and quality of life too! Do you have teeth that are… Continue reading

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5552 Robin Road Suite A
Acworth, GA 30102

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm Friday 8am - 2pm

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